May 31, 2012

Learning from Mistakes

Aprendendo com os erros. Este foi o objetivo da atividade desenvolvida pela professora Ana Maria com seus alunos de Intermediate. A atividade é um leilão ( AN AUCTION) de sentenças corretas e incorretas. Os alunos tem como objetivo comprar o máximo de sentenças corretas.

Check out the photos.

May 16, 2012

PROJECT: Give Directions with Comic Strips

Após aprenderam como dar direções de como chegar a lugares utilizando a língua inglesa, para maior prática e personalização do conteúdo, a professora Roberta Dayrell, propôs a seus alunos a criação de tirinhas em quadrinhos utilizando a linguagem vista em sala de aula.

Este foi o exemplo apresentado aos alunos:

Aqui estão alguns quadrinhos criados pelos alunos:

May 14, 2012

Revisando em um Carrossel

É possível revisar de maneira mais dinâmica? Logo abaixo está o relato de uma atividade de revisão diferente. Alunos do curso Upper Intermediate desenvolveram atividades diversas em forma de circuito ou carrossel. A cada 20 minutos, grupos de alunos mudavam de estação e de atividade. O objetivo da atividade foi possibilitar aos alunos a revisão de conteúdos vistos recentemente em sala de aula e praticarem tanto a escrita quando a conversação.

A professora descreve a atividade:

This week, I planned to revise content students have recently seen by organizing a revision lesson as a CAROUSSEL.

First of all, I selected 3 activities :
  1. Students would complete a grammar revision sheet and then use the answer key to correct it.
  2. Students would play a  game called "Four-in-a-row" from the book "Grammar games and activities"  where students have to  know the infinitive/past/past participle of verbs.
  3. Students would choose from one of the topics provided in their own course book and write a dialogue discussing it using language to agree and disagree. Then, they would use my cell phone (Audioboo app) to record their dialogues. 
The 12 students were divided into 3 groups of four and I had them seating in different corners of the room. Students would have 20 mins to work with each activity. As a timer, I used the site ONLINE VIDEO CLOCK  where you set an alarm by selecting a video clip from youtube. Before the caroussel activity started I explained what students would do at each station and by the end of the class all of them would have covered the 3 activities. 

I liked the way I was free to move from one group to another and help when I was needed. Students were totally involved in doing the tasks. Moving from the different stations kept a dynamic pace to the lesson. An important point is to organize activities which take a similar time to cover and also have an extra activity up your sleeve for fast-finishers (in our case, I had conversation cards ). Next class, I intend to play their recordings from audioboo and ask them what they thought about it.

Some of the recordings created in class by students:

May 13, 2012

PROJECT: Music we love

Alunos da professora Roberta Dayrell participaram de um mural interativo compartilhando textos e músicas favoritas.

May 11, 2012

PROJECT: Gerund or Infinitive?

Este foi um projeto desenvolvido pela professora Aurea Stela  com seus alunos de Pre-Intermediate 2. Após estudarem sobre verbos que pedem o gerúndio ou o infinitivo, os alunos criaram suas frases e gravaram em um mesmo VOICETHREAD, um site que possibilita criar apresentações interativas.

Além de seus alunos, podemos também ouvir as frases de outros professores e de alunos de outra turma.

Stela and students, good JOB!

Usando IPAD + internet para gravações

Alunos do curso Intermediate da Cultura Inglesa Uberlândia criam suas próprias frases e fazem gravação em site interativo. Logo abaixo, a professora Ana Maria Menezes conta como foi a aula. O voicethread foi criado pela professora Aurea Stela.

 After reading Jose Picardo's post about having used honly one iPad in class, I decided to give it a go. I've recently got an iPad as a gift and wanted to see what I could do with it in class.

Well, this afternoon I took my iPad to class as I wanted to record students reading their own sentences to a voice thread created by a colleague (AureaStela). Stela had the brilliant idea to create a wordcloud with verbs which take GERUND and INFINITIVE and then asked her students to record sentences using the given verbs.

This is what I proposed to my students today:

1. First, I opened her voice thread on the IWB and played the recordings for them.
2. Then, I assigned a different verb to each student and asked them to make a sentence using Gerund or Infinitive. I monitored helping them out with their sentences.
3. I gave them a hand-out with a grammar exercise on the same topic and asked students to complete the exercise in class. Meanwhile, I would use my iPad to move round the class to record each student reading their own sentences ( I used the voicethread app for recording) . To make it faster, all students used my voice thread account.
4. After I had saved all recordings, I played their recordings on the IWB for everyone to listen to.

   Impressions? I would definitely do this again. Students were involved and seemed to have enjoyed listening to all the sentences in class.