Oct 15, 2008

Teacher´s Day

Our message to all teachers on this very special day.

ImageChef.com Poetry Blender


Dennis said...

Oí, Ana Maria and students.

Your Teacher's Day message is awesome!

I'm also impressed with all the other work you're doing. I think Ana Maria keeps you busy, but I also think she has wonderful, creative, interesting ideas.

Very best wishes from Arizona, U.S.A.!

Dennis in Phoenix

Ana Maria Menezes said...

Dear Dennis,

Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a message. :)

Dennis said...

Hi, Ana María.

It was entirely my pleasure to come for a visit and to leave a short message for you and your students.

I also tried to leave a message for the "Happy Birthdays" post, but I had some computer prolems and I wasn't able to upload my comments successfully. I'll try again later.

Best wishes to everyone!


Dennis in Phoenix